Highway: I-94/ I-39 WB
Mile Marker: MM 180
State: WI
Parking: There is a Road Ranger Truck Stop at exit 1 south/east of the Beloit weigh station.
Alternate Route Information
Take exit 185 B and follow I 43 north to exit 6. Exit 6 is the Highway 140, Clinton/Avalon exit. Turn left off the exit and go north on Highway 140 for 6.3 miles- there is a flat rail road crossing on route 140 that should not affect car haulers or low boys. Highway 140 ends at a stop sign at route 11/route 14. This is marked as alternate I 39/I 43. You’ll turn left and follow alternate I 39/I 43 for 6.1 miles to the right turn for the ramp to I 39 north/I 90 west.